Coming Events

Next Meeting:    


The next RFI meeting on Saturday October 12. Meetings are held monthly at 7 pm at St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 2560 Villa Avenue. Exit off of Interstate 65 at East Raymond Street and go east. Turn right (south) onto South State Avenue  [or take South Keystone Avenue] to  Walker Avenue. The church is at the southwest corner of Walker and Villa avenues between State and Keystone. .


Our program will be a continuation of shots from Larry Zimmerman. Roger Zimmerman will be showing his father’s work, which will include a second section of Indiana short lines and industrials. In addition, he will show shots of a Rio Grande Zephyr trip from 1983, and a section titled RFI  Reflections.


Saturday Oct. 12

see above

To have information about YOUR upcoming railfan or model railroad event in Central Indiana included here and in the next issue of "Railfan Rambles" e-mail the information to Tom Bonsett.

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